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Westaflex in the World Wide Web

It is not just Westaflex that has given a new, modern look: the Corporate website has also been renovated and given a contemporaray design. For Westaflex is not only HVAC leader - we also set the trend when it comes to its online presence.

Once again, this traditional manufacturer has demonstrated that he moves with the times. Our online presence is very important to us, as it enables us to reach our customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and that throughout the world. Last year Westaflex recieved enquiries not only from Europe and the USA, but also from more exotic destinations like Guyana, Guatemala, Togo, and Antigua.

What is more, the website not only provides information about our products: it also enables our customers to view our latest machine technology offers. And if they - like some foreign customers - want  to buy our services, Westaflex will deliver it.


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