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Reengineered trade processes based upon trade facilitation principles and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) are now a global phenomenon.

The major determinants for ultimate success, and for a high overall number of EDI users are clearly the active and willing involvement of the public sector, well organized and funded, and the enthusiastic participation of the private sector. A sophisticated, well-resourced technology infrastructure with access to the right skills and experience also has a direct effect on early success.

More than 90 pct. of all General Practitioner (GP) clinics in Denmark are using EDIFACT messages for sending and receiving the most frequent documents between partners in the Health Sector. All types of lab results, discharge letters, casuality notes, referrals, reimbursements and prescriptions are exchanged electronically. It is more than 30 mill (70 pct. of all) documents each year. The wide use of EDI has led to development of a national standard for exchanging documents including pictures and other binary elements. An edifact: MEDBIN has been developed and implemented in different systems and now used for dermatology pictures and other binary elements. A recent development in the use is to exchange ECG based on the SCP format between different patient record systems. A demonstration of transferring an SCP - ECG from one patient record system to another using the EDIFACT standard: MEDBIN and the Health Data Network will be presented.

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